Care for people

Corporate Citizenship

Our vision

Our corporate culture, described in the Dream, constantly draws our attention to a sense of responsibility towards the needs of the community, in particular towards young people and the inclusion of vulnerable people in the world of work.

We fulfil that responsibility through the projects of our Corporate Citizenship Programme, which provides for the active engagement of Teddy collaborators, in addition to donations to charitable organizations both in Italy and abroad, in order to help those who are more in need, mainly young people and children. We encourage volunteering experiences of groups of collaborators within different charitable organizations, which we support also from a material point of view by donating scraps of fabric or semi-finished products from our sewing workshop.

Those projects are carried out also thanks to the close and constant listening of the recipients, in order to understand the real impact of our actions. We nurture long and deeply-rooted relations but at the same time we establish new ones as to expand the number of recipients benefitting from donations.

Furthermore Gigi Tadei Foundation, although it’s a separate entity from Teddy, supports charitable and social works through the dividends received derived largely from Teddy’s profits.

Gigi Tadei Foundation aims to preserve, continue and actualize the special passion Vittorio and Luigi Tadei had for young people and the underprivileged through supporting charitable projects in Italy and all over the world.

Where we are

Our efforts are mainly dedicated to:

  • make our skills available to charitable organizations as to help them to become independent in the economic management of their activities;
  • integrate vulnerable people within our production system in order to help them to have their place back in society and to guarantee them a future, supporting them through training and mentoring at work;
  • participate in the Italian Colletta Alimentare (Food Drive) by both going to the supermarkets to help food collection and organizing it at our Italian corporate headquarters.

We allocated funds to support charitable organizations, in particular:

  • More than € 270K donated to support no-profit organizations operating in the fields of education and social inclusion;
  • 908 hours of volunteering paid by the company and 388 collaborators working at corporate headquarters and in the stores involved in projects and campaigns designed to help those more in need.

We pursued our corporate citizenship programme, particularly:

  • amount of direct donations made by Teddy: € 475,600 The amount includes also the valuation of donations in kind;
  • 542 colleagues involved in volunteering activities, for an overall number of about 722 hours of voluntary work donated;
  • regular training for newly hired employees on Teddy’s values and social commitment, focusing on the Corporate Citizenship Scheme.

In the next few years we plan to:

  • increase the number of collaborators involved in volunteering activities through new experiences;
  • launch a new edition of the tender “Teddy supports those that are close to your heart”;
  • promote procedures and tools facilitating the full inclusion of disabled people within the organization, just like described in our Dream;
  • activate a career orientation path for NEET people (Not engaged in Education, Employment or Training) in order to teach and communicate to them the passion for a job.

Our efforts are mainly dedicated to:

  • make our skills available to charitable organizations as to help them to become independent in the economic management of their activities;
  • integrate vulnerable people within our production system in order to help them to have their place back in society and to guarantee them a future, supporting them through training and mentoring at work;
  • participate in the Italian Colletta Alimentare (Food Drive) by both going to the supermarkets to help food collection and organizing it at our Italian corporate headquarters.

We allocated funds to support charitable organizations, in particular:

  • More than € 270K donated to support no-profit organizations operating in the fields of education and social inclusion;
  • 908 hours of volunteering paid by the company and 388 collaborators working at corporate headquarters and in the stores involved in projects and campaigns designed to help those more in need.

We pursued our corporate citizenship programme, particularly:

  • amount of direct donations made by Teddy: € 475,600 The amount includes also the valuation of donations in kind;
  • 542 colleagues involved in volunteering activities, for an overall number of about 722 hours of voluntary work donated;
  • regular training for newly hired employees on Teddy’s values and social commitment, focusing on the Corporate Citizenship Scheme.

In the next few years we plan to:

  • increase the number of collaborators involved in volunteering activities through new experiences;
  • launch a new edition of the tender “Teddy supports those that are close to your heart”;
  • promote procedures and tools facilitating the full inclusion of disabled people within the organization, just like described in our Dream;
  • activate a career orientation path for NEET people (Not engaged in Education, Employment or Training) in order to teach and communicate to them the passion for a job.
Where we are

We made the standards of our production chain increasingly stricter:

  • 54% of long-lasting product suppliers assessed through third-party audits;
  • average C sustainability rating of Teddy long-lasting product suppliers.

We pushed ahead on our journey to improve our production chain:

  • with 100% product suppliers signing and complying with the corporate Code of Conduct;
  • endorsing SAC – Sustainable Apparel Coalition, in order to introduce the Higg Index as a shared tool to measure performances and transparency in our production and distribution chain;
  • reaching the threshold of 50% of our long-lasting product suppliers with an average seasonal rating of A or B.

A more sustainable production and distribution chain

Our vision

Teddy “grew up” together with its collaborators and business partners, with the people we regard as the focus of our actions and whom we must protect, as they are the true drivers of the value we can generate.
It is a compelling priority to us to guarantee a safe, fair and environmental-friendly workplace to all those working in the factories of our suppliers.
Those efforts require us to think about our social and environmental impact and how we can make a positive change in the communities we operate in, taking into account our dimensions and operational possibilities.
We have long implemented regular procedures to monitor, assess and improve the social performances of our suppliers in order to guarantee more sustainable and ethical working conditions.
Our Code of Conduct sets the principles regulating our operations and the relations with our business partners in a clear and transparent way. Furthermore, we are actively engaged in important initiatives promoting a sustainable fashion system.


We pursued the improvement plans for our supply chain

  • Begin of Tier-2 suppliers’ mapping.
  • Increased dissemination of Higg FSLM Module among suppliers abroad.
  • 77% of garments produced by audited suppliers come from factories rated A-B-C on a scale of “A” to “E”.
  • Organization of training and improvement programs on social and environmental issues targeting suppliers.
Future goals

In order to follow up, we plan to:

  • progress in the mapping of Tier-2 suppliers;
  • increase the dissemination of the Higg FSLM; increase the dissemination of the SLCP protocol;
  • join the Employment Injury Scheme (EIS) project promoted by the International Labor Organization (ILO) in Bangladesh, an initiative aimed at providing social protection to workers against employment injuries and occupational diseases. sul lavoro e le malattie professionali.

We made the standards of our production chain increasingly stricter:

  • 54% of long-lasting product suppliers assessed through third-party audits;
  • average C sustainability rating of Teddy long-lasting product suppliers.

We pushed ahead on our journey to improve our production chain:

  • with 100% product suppliers signing and complying with the corporate Code of Conduct;
  • endorsing SAC – Sustainable Apparel Coalition, in order to introduce the Higg Index as a shared tool to measure performances and transparency in our production and distribution chain;
  • reaching the threshold of 50% of our long-lasting product suppliers with an average seasonal rating of A or B.

We pursued the improvement plans for our supply chain

  • Begin of Tier-2 suppliers’ mapping.
  • Increased dissemination of Higg FSLM Module among suppliers abroad.
  • 77% of garments produced by audited suppliers come from factories rated A-B-C on a scale of “A” to “E”.
  • Organization of training and improvement programs on social and environmental issues targeting suppliers.
Future goals

In order to follow up, we plan to:

  • progress in the mapping of Tier-2 suppliers;
  • increase the dissemination of the Higg FSLM; increase the dissemination of the SLCP protocol;
  • join the Employment Injury Scheme (EIS) project promoted by the International Labor Organization (ILO) in Bangladesh, an initiative aimed at providing social protection to workers against employment injuries and occupational diseases. sul lavoro e le malattie professionali.

Growth and wellbeing of collaborators

Our vision

Teddy aims to be the ideal place for those who are looking for a meaningful job career, an experience that adds taste and flavor to existence, beyond the individual dimension, where results go beyond numbers. Vittorio Tadei understood that for a company to last, it needs the people managing it to understand their value, their desire for happiness, to give everyone ìthe opportunity to fulfill, improve and achieve excellent results, whatever their starting condition. In short, a place in which to grow from a human and professional point of view, and in which to raise future generations as well. It is extremely important that every person joining our company is attracted by Teddy’s Dream and may contribute to building a safe, inclusive, collaborative workplace, grounded on the value of people and the trust placed in them.

Where we are

We launched or strengthened several initiatives, including:

  • the development of professional growth plans for over 200 positions inside Teddy;
  • the development of the ability to adjust to changes in order to guarantee the company to last further 500 years, thanks to our corporate business school “Teddy 500”;
  • payment of extra performance bonuses to collaborators for the considerable efforts made during COVID pandemic;
  • extended opening hours for our corporate nursery located in Rimini corporate headquarters, starting from school year 2020/2021, in order to promote a better work-life balance;
  • introduction of flexible working hours at our Rimini corporate headquarters.

We achieved important goals, including:

  • 28% of collaborators awarded an internal promotion;
  • investments in professional training resulting in a total number of 650 employees trained on diverse skills throughout the year, +40% compared to 2021;
  • introduction of new welfare services, thanks to the funds allocated through the national call “Conciliamo” by the Italian government, including: newborn allowance, vouchers for afterschool activities and summer camps, company concierge service.

We committed to our employees’ professional advancement. In particular:

  • 576 employees trained on diverse skills during the year (24% out of the total number of employees);
  • 400 people involved in in-person training courses on social and environmental topics with sessions held by the corporate sustainability team, for a total amount of 800 training hours dedicated to the development of a sustainability culture;
  • a total of 32,570 training hours provided.
  • 195 employees who benefitted from parental leave (159 women), 94% of them returning to work full-time.
Future goals

The next steps will include:

  • increasing the satisfaction of workers according to the results of the surveys on the working environment, with the aim of achieving 60% of workers satisfied with their job by 2026;
  • further extending the pool of workers accessing training;
  • formalization of the diversity and inclusion policy.;
  • schedule meetings with workers about personal development topics, such as parenting and psychophysical well-being.

We launched or strengthened several initiatives, including:

  • the development of professional growth plans for over 200 positions inside Teddy;
  • the development of the ability to adjust to changes in order to guarantee the company to last further 500 years, thanks to our corporate business school “Teddy 500”;
  • payment of extra performance bonuses to collaborators for the considerable efforts made during COVID pandemic;
  • extended opening hours for our corporate nursery located in Rimini corporate headquarters, starting from school year 2020/2021, in order to promote a better work-life balance;
  • introduction of flexible working hours at our Rimini corporate headquarters.

We achieved important goals, including:

  • 28% of collaborators awarded an internal promotion;
  • investments in professional training resulting in a total number of 650 employees trained on diverse skills throughout the year, +40% compared to 2021;
  • introduction of new welfare services, thanks to the funds allocated through the national call “Conciliamo” by the Italian government, including: newborn allowance, vouchers for afterschool activities and summer camps, company concierge service.

We committed to our employees’ professional advancement. In particular:

  • 576 employees trained on diverse skills during the year (24% out of the total number of employees);
  • 400 people involved in in-person training courses on social and environmental topics with sessions held by the corporate sustainability team, for a total amount of 800 training hours dedicated to the development of a sustainability culture;
  • a total of 32,570 training hours provided.
  • 195 employees who benefitted from parental leave (159 women), 94% of them returning to work full-time.
Future goals

The next steps will include:

  • increasing the satisfaction of workers according to the results of the surveys on the working environment, with the aim of achieving 60% of workers satisfied with their job by 2026;
  • further extending the pool of workers accessing training;
  • formalization of the diversity and inclusion policy.;
  • schedule meetings with workers about personal development topics, such as parenting and psychophysical well-being.